During the work so far on water supply, our professional consultants have attended professional training, and licenses and certificates are proof of their expertise and training.
Licenca za izvođenje građevinskih radova na objektima hidrogradnje i nadzor,- License for preparation of technical documentation, hydro-technical phase and supervision
- License for revision of technical documentation, hydro-technical phase and supervision
- Certificate for professional development "Project Cycle Management" according to the EU PMC methodology for writing projects according to European Union standards
- IPMA level D certificate,
- IPMA level C certificate,
- Certifikat “Studije izvodljivosti i Cost Benefit analize za infrastrukturne projekte”, Organizacija WYG,
- Certificate "Project Management in Construction with Special Reference to FIDIC Procedures", organized by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Certificate “Quality System Auditing” ISO 19011:2002 (ISO 9001:2008),