During the work so far on water supply, our professional consultants have attended professional training, and licenses and certificates are proof of their expertise and training.
- Licenca za izvođenje građevinskih radova na objektima hidrogradnje i nadzor,
- License for preparation of technical documentation, hydro-technical phase and supervision
- License for revision of technical documentation, hydro-technical phase and supervision
- Certificate for professional development "Project Cycle Management" according to the EU PMC methodology for writing projects according to European Union standards
- IPMA level D certificate,
- IPMA level C certificate,
- Certifikat “Studije izvodljivosti i Cost Benefit analize za infrastrukturne projekte”, Organizacija WYG,
- Certificate "Project Management in Construction with Special Reference to FIDIC Procedures", organized by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Certificate “Quality System Auditing” ISO 19011:2002 (ISO 9001:2008),