Detekcija gubitaka na hidrantskoj mreži
Na osnovu Ponude NMAqua s.p. kao i Narudžbenice Strabag d.o.o Sarajevo o detekciji gubitaka na hidrantskoj mreži Regionalne sanitarne deponije za regiju Živinice „Separacija 1“, „NMAqua“ s.p. je 02.03.2024. godine izvršila usluge definisane predmetnim ugovorom.
After we received the Technical Report "Project of the derived state of the regional sanitary landfill of municipal waste "Separation 1", as well as the Water Supply Situation - the derived state for the landfill, we prepared and plan for the detection of loss on the hydrant network. On the basis of the submitted documents, it was necessary to perform inspection, control and testing work and to locate the failure points on the hydrant installation in a length of 971 m. On the mentioned network, there are 11 above-ground hydrants with latches with a flange and a head with a telescopic spindle and a street cap, and three hydrants in buildings
Arriving on the field and putting the pump into operation, we found that the pump mode is set by the minimum pressure range of 6.00 bar, when the pump starts, up to a maximum of 7.00 bar when the pump stops.
The complete hydrant network was under operating mode and water pressure, so based on the data from the project, we installed three pressure loggers for easier control and manipulation and separation of individual parts of the network.
All of the above was done in order to more precisely detect the part of the network where there is a problem, i.e. pressure drop. By monitoring the pressure on the control panel in the pumping station, we recorded before the start of any work that the pressure on the hydrant network constantly fluctuates and is in a continuous downward trend. The ratio of the pressure drop was such that the value drop of 0.3 bar occurred in a time interval of about 30 min.
On the basis of these observations, we concluded that it is a defect of very low highlighting intensity and therefore very difficult to identify.
After the results of currently measured pressures on three hydrants, we concluded that it is necessary to first close the valve in the shaft at the fire pump station, i.e. for the part of the hydrant network where there is uncontrolled discharge, which leads to a drop in pressure on the entire network.
We approached listening to a part of the hydrant network with an acoustic sound detector - a geophone, which is spatially located for the most part under a concrete base, as well as a part under a grassy surface.
An isolated high-pitched noise that indicated the existence of a malfunction occurred in the immediate vicinity of the overhead hydrant VH-2. By listening in more detail, we found that the fault is in the area around the mentioned hydrant or directly on it. We closed the pre-valve on the hydrant, which stopped the noise and the pressure drop on the hydrant network.
With this measurement or control, we concluded and confirmed that the defect was located and that it is necessary to repair the hydrant VH-2, i.e. in the underground part at one of the joints at the hydrant.
After the excavation was carried out and the fault was found and repaired, at the junction of the hydrant and the pipeline, the situation normalized, that is, the pressure in the hydrant network stabilized, which, after the technical acceptance, created all the prerequisites for the start of the operation of this very important Regional Garbage Landfill that covers the area of the three municipalities of Živinica, Banovića and Kladnje.
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