Vodovod Istočno Sarajevo

Measurement on the East Sarajevo water supply system


Na osnovu potreba vršenja mjerenja protoka i pritiska u cilju sagledavanja raspoloživih količina vode, kao i stanja vodovodnog sistema sa filterskog postrojenja “Tilava” sa kojeg se snabdijeva veći dio opštine Istočno Sarajevo, izvršili smo u prvoj fazi početna terenska mjerenja protoka i pritisaka na unaprijed utvrđenim stalnim i privremenim-kontrolnim mjernim mjestima.

Mjerenje protoka

In order to fully understand the state of the network and the capacities available in the distribution of drinking water, in addition to measuring flow and pressure, which were used for analysis, from permanent measuring points, ie measuring DMA zones, measurements were performed with ultrasonic portable flow meters. as well as measurements with portable digital pressure gauges.

Mjerač protoka AQF 2000

Mjerenje pritiska



Pressure measurement on MMP1 was performed in the underground hydrant in the street of the First Sarajevo Brigade near "Adiko" bank in the time of 48 hours with a measurement interval of 1 min. 

After the pressure logger was dismantled, the data was read and diagrams were made.

In order to improve the situation in the water supply of KP "Vodovod i kanalizacija" a.d. East Sarajevo and maintained the trend of continuous water supply without reductions, it is necessary to implement measures and interventions on the existing water supply and communal infrastructure, and above all to strengthen the detection and elimination of failures in order to save the amount of water currently available.

Fabrika vode

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